Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Paradigm for the Masses

Sinners and saints: Two organizational cubbyholes that we've been placed in for centuries. The grand question is this: are these the only two categories that we as humans can fit in? Must we be either a selfish demon or proverbial good Samaritan? I say no, and that we may each have our own soul and identity. Let's create a theoretical situation: a man forces his friend to go to confession. Is the man a saint for helping his friend be saved, or a sinner for destroying his friend's free will and sense of individuality? This is the real battle. A man can not and should not be judged on his day to day doings, but on his heart and mind. "What can you ever really know of other people's souls - of their temptations, their opportunities, their struggles? One soul in the whole creation you do know: and it is the only one whose fate is placed in your hands." What can we take from these words of wisdom from C.S. Lewis? He insinuates that we can never truly know a person, with the obvious exception of ourselves. The only person's head we can ever really see the inside of is our own. So why do we believe it is our right to judge people? Have we been appointed to be the judge and jury of someone else's personality? No, we have not. It's not our place to call someone a sinner or a saint when most of us are failing to be a paragon of ourselves as it is. Let's just be the best people we can be and worry about ourselves. If we do that then people would enjoy a higher level of understanding and there would be be a better social construct in general. Join me in putting down the gavel.

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